Whether a self-proclaimed health junkie or kitchen newbie, you’re likely familiar with the ever-popular food substitution trend. Swap sour cream for Greek yogurt; use almond milk instead of full-fat dairy milk; try turkey bacon instead of beef! Sound familiar?
As health becomes more of a hot topic, food swaps grow in popularity. In fact, nearly every health publication posts content with suggestions for healthier options to popular, high-calorie bites. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Being able to enjoy indulgent flavors without worrying about negative health consequences (like the dreaded ‘beetus) is awesome! Why not sub spaghetti squash for pasta when it cuts out a significant amount carbs and calories? Plus, it really doesn’t taste that different—especially when covered with a delicious pesto sauce.
But in the never-ending quest to make healthy eating more appealing, it also seems people are losing sight of what delicious really means—and what cheese really tastes like. So much so that some of these suggestions deserve false advertising warning labels. “May actually taste like cardboard” rice cakes or “Bring a change of pants” baked chips are two that come to mind.
This isn’t to say that all healthy substitutions are subpar (these 83 are actually pretty amazing!), but instead that a better approach may be embracing foods for their all-around deliciousness. After all, bacon has health benefits, as does practicing a well-balanced lifestyle that doesn't expect perfection and leaves room for reward. So let’s ditch the guilt that’s often associated with eating and kiss those unworthy, bland swaps goodbye.
Here are some of the worst offenders, and some seriously delicious solutions for those who really want to kick up their health a notch.